Important: Updated Salon Policy & Safety Protocols

Important: Updated Salon Policy & Safety Protocols

Hello and thank you all so much for your support and patience  the last four months.

We want to be very clear that we are still taking your safety and that of our staff very seriously. There are many new safety and sanitation initiatives that we are implementing but we wanted to inform you of the most important:

  • Social Distancing – We are splitting our Service Providers into shifts, thereby reducing the number of people in the building by a maximum of 25% of building capacity set by the Fire Marshall. Clients will be sitting in stations which are at least six feet apart to keep a safe distance.

  • Masks – All of our staff will be required to wear masks. We require that you wear a mask to your appointment and we ask that you wear one that secures behind the ears.

  • Shampooing and Blow-drying – Please know how important the best possible luxury service for you is to us. We have now installed plexiglass in-between the shampoo bowls.  

  • Waxing – We are now providing facial waxing services. Your Service Provider will be wearing a mask and a face shield. When waxing the lower face area, we will ask you to temporarily remove your mask at that time.

  • Touch-less Greetings & Goodbyes – We will not be shaking hands or hugging at this time due to continued safety precautions for our clients and staff.

  • Limited Changing Room – No smocks for Color clients, we request you wear a low cut garment so we do not soil your tops. All clients will receive a fresh cape for their service. Please come in freshly cleaned clothing.

  • No Beverages – We will not be offering any beverages at this time.

  • Limited Items and Guests – Please limit any belongings that you bring with you, perhaps to your phone and forms of payment (rather than your handbag). Please do not bring any extra guests with you and please do not bring children to your appointment at this time, due to the limited amount of people that are allowed in the Salon. No pets will be allowed in the salon at this time. (Service Dogs will be allowed).

  • Upon Entering – We ask that you arrive to your appointment 10 minutes early.  Upon entering, your temperature will be taken. You will also be asked to sign a waiver.  Your cell phone number will be taken and will be asked to wait in your vehicle until your stylist has sanitized his/her station for your visit.  You will receive a call when your stylist is ready.      

If you have an underlying health condition, we suggest that you follow the NM Health Department guidelines. In addition, if you have been ill or around someone who has been ill, please wait 14 days to reschedule your appointment.

We ask for your patience and understanding during this time as we are working quickly and very diligently to be both accommodating and conscientious to your needs. We are incorporating extensive new and improved sanitation practices into every aspect of our operation. 

Thank you so very much for your kindness and support during this difficult time in history. We look forward to seeing you in the salon soon!

– Your Friends at M & Company Hair and Color Lounge 

Friendly reminders:

Customers are advised to contact us to schedule and confirm future appointments with our stylists.

Important: Temporary Statewide Mask Mandate

Important: Temporary Statewide Mask Mandate

Important Updates: Salon Re-Opening on June 2, 2020

Important Updates: Salon Re-Opening on June 2, 2020